Sharay Reed Bass Groove (PDF Transcription + Tabs)


A Sharay Reed´s Bass Groove PDF Transcription + Tabs. Learn and play this fantastic shuffle blues groove from. It´s groovy and melodic but supportive as well!

Sharay Reed is a 2x Grammy Nominated bassist and writer. He is a proficient player on the upright, electric, and synth bass, reads music fluently, and is a writer, arranger, and producer. Sharay is an institution in gospel music bass playing 

Instrument: Electric Bass

Style: Shuffle

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Content: 3 pages (PDF)


A Sharay Reed´s Bass Groove PDF Transcription + Tabs. Learn and play this fantastic shuffle blues groove! It´s groovy and melodic but supportive as well!

Sharay Reed is a 2x Grammy Nominated bassist and writer. He is a proficient player on the upright, electric, and synth bass, reads music fluently, and is a writer, arranger, and producer. Sharay is an institution in gospel music bass playing 

Instrument: Electric Bass

Style: Shuffle

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Content: 3 pages (PDF)

Here you can watch my video:


Here you can watch Sharay playing the groove:


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