Michael League´s Bass Groove – PDF Transcription + TABS


An awesome Michael League´s groove.

Michael League is the extraordinaire bass player of Snarky Puppy. A good example of how you can be funky and groovie as well as melodic and at some points imply harmony just with your bass.

Instrument: Electric Bass

Style: Funk – Groove

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Content: 3 PDFs

  1. Notation + Tabs (4 pag)
  2. Just Tabs
  3. Just Notation


An awesome Michael League´s Bass Groove – PDF Transcription + TABS

Michael League is the extraordinaire bass player of Snarky Puppy. Here is a good example of how you can be funky and groovie as well as melodic and at some points imply harmony just with your bass.

Instrument: Electric Bass

Style: Funk – Groove

Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Content: 3 PDFs

  1. Notation + Tabs (4 pag)
  2. Just Tabs
  3. Just Notation

Here you can watch my video:


Here you can watch Michael playing it:



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